Photo of the day of the National Geographic website
The website of the National Geographic magazine is surely one of the most visited websites. The daily visit probably goes up to a five- or even a six-digit number, as they brag about having visits from a crowd of over 20 million people per month. One of the popular sections of the website is the Photo of the day, where they publish a new ‘photograph of the day’ every day. They choose it among many photographs published in the print editions, as well as shots with which they are bombarded by photographers around the globe. And if the shot especially impresses the editor, it ends up in the monthly selection; only one of those, however, is named the ‘photograph of the month’ with the help of votes of the online readers.ž
More so out of curiosity than anything else, I sent a photo of the Ice cave on Stojna in March. In a month or so, I was expecting some sort of response, after that, I completely forgot about the matter. It was in July that I was surprised to receive an e-mail from the editor, in August that I finally awaited the publication of the photograph and in September that I realized the photo had ended up in the monthly edit and with that, emerged from the flood of ‘daily photographs’. And when you browse the selections of the former months, there are, despite the beautiful stories from the print edition, only a taste of caving photos. Maybe it’s time for a Slovenian story?
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